An International Association for social and culture cooperation of the creative individuals, initiated by prof.Valentin Timaru and Horst Mentzel.

POLYGON International include Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and Romania chapters. The Society was registered at 12.04.1991 with main location at Antwerpen, Albert Grisarstraat 36, B-2018, Belgium.

Romanian chapter of the POLYGON Society was officially registered at February 14, 1992 in Cluj-Napoca, with 26 members, having prof. Valentin Timaru as President, and dr.Mihai Jalobeanu as Co-president.

Between main aims of the society it is to be noted the general support for the international creative dialog, and especially cooperation between scientists, artists, writers, composers, etc. To reach this objectives the POLYGON preferred methods are meetings, workshops, conferences and exhibitions.

The five editions of the Romanian Internet Learning Workshops, succesfully organized by POLYGON between 1997-2001, , can be examples of the cooperation between specialists in Education, Information Technology, Computer Science, Psychology, Mathematics, Physics.

As a result of the RILW experience, POLYGON was involved in different connected projects, like:

Advanced Educational Technologies, Online learning, Open Distance Learning, Web teaching, are only a few fields connected with medium and high level education and training, available at home or office, through Internet. Having in mind that helping the creative individuals means the building of a community of creative people. And Internet may be a proper tool for such an action.

The active cooperation of Polygon with other Institutions and NGOs, mainly conducted by e-mail, include:

You may visit the National Forum Foundation for a general insight about an american charity project called TRANSFORM, or the Romanian Foundation for the Civil Society Development site for local NGO's actions and problems.

Our current address in Romania is :

 Societatea Culturală POLYGON
 str. Buzau nr.7 ap.18
 400294 Romania        tel.: +40-264-588059
e-mail: polygon@oc1.itim-cj.ro 

Please try a look to RILW comments and reviews, or at some of the RILW project results, like the Virtual community of e-learners, or the 2003 volume Towards the Virtual University - International On-Line Learning Perspectives published by Information Age Publ., 2003.